Saturday, December 02, 2006

Celebrities...They're Just Like Us!

With all the recent fuss over the TomKat wedding and the K-Fed/Britney break-up (and subsequent Britney/Paris partygirl shenanigans), I think it's important for all of us to stop, take a second, and remind ourselves: these people are just regular human beings, like us. They pay bills, they have nightmares, they pick their eye-boogers in the morning, they love the smell of a puppy's breath, they like long walks on the beach, they like sipping hot cocoa on snowy nights, and THEY POOP-- just like you and me!

To make this point clearer, the Hustla of Cultcha team has sent spies to the homes of various celebrities to collect samples of their feces. Celebrities: they poop--just like us!

1. Here's some of Tom Cruise's crazy poo:

When Tom has to go, it's Misson Possible!

2. Ever wonder what comes out of Britney's turd-cutter?

Poops, she did it again!

3. Take a whiff of Oprah's stink:

You go, girl! (To the bathroom, that is!)

4. When Donald Trump takes a dump?

As he would say, "It's Yuge!"

5. How about this dingleberry from pretty Miss Hilton:

Hard to shake that one off!

6. And, finally, here's a three-flusher from the talented arts-and-crafts expert, Martha Stewart:
More like Farts and Craps, eh Martha?!


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